The attribute types can be basic ( for example, Integer, String) or complex data types ( for example, the user-defined types like Order and CreditCard) 可以将属性类型定为基本类型(例如,Integer或String)或复杂数据类型(例如,用户定义的类型,如Order和CreditCard)。
Each attribute is identified by an integer key ( zero, in the case of the buddy list) so that you can know what the attribute is supposed to represent. 每个属性通过一个整数键标识(好友列表的整数键为0),这样您就可以知道应当显示哪个属性。
The structural encoding scheme of XMill assigns each distinct element and attribute name an integer code, which serves as the key into the element and attribute name dictionaries. XMill的结构编码方案为每个不同的元素和属性名称分配一个整数代码,作为进入元素和属性名称词典的密钥。
Each stored attribute is a simple array of bytes, but it's possible to interpret the attribute as a Boolean, integer, or string attribute. 每个已保存的属性是一个简单的字节数组,但是可以将该属性转换为Boolean、整数或字符串属性。